Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 313

wishing you a flower of a day

You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”


Vel, det er ikke mye av en meningsmåling. It’s much more just a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

Have you ever had customized stationary?
Jeg har! I got myself some really cute notecards with matching envelopes from a while back. I like writing handwritten notes to people (and myself), and you can’t beat the personal touch.

I always thought it would be something good to have, but I didn’t realize how much I’d like it until I had it in my paws.

If you had to choose one or the other to be stuck with for a year…would you rather have a bad mullet or a Ron burgundy mustache (you can trim either one, but they’d grow back overnight)?
Oh, good grief… I don’t know, the mustache? I would happily wax and shave the ‘stache with religious zeal because I know I could not deal with the bad mullet.

Could. Ikke. Avtale.

Especially with my wavy hair?!

Oh, hell no. Gimme the Ron burgundy ‘stache please.

When was the last time you flew in a helicopter?
Um, never? I haven’t had the opportunity, but I think I’d probably do it for a cool nature trip or something. I’m not averse to the idea.

Can you do a headstand or a handstand?
Nope, neither one, unless I’m underwater, in which case I can do a handstand.

Does that count?

Have you ever applied your makeup in secret?
Oh, yeah, totally. My parents were very strict when I was in my tweens, and I wasn’t allowed to wear a stitch of makeup…so of course I wore it anyway, LOL!

I secretly applied it in the girls’ restroom in middle school every morning, but I didn’t wear a lot. just some purple liner and frosty pink lipstick.

What’s a song you listen to when you want to “psych yourself up”?

Nikka Costa’s can’tneverdidnothin’ always does the trick.


Belly-baring outfits: yea or nay?
It depends on whether I’ve been working out consistently and how bloated I’m feeling that day, LOL! It’s mostly “yea,” I guess, as long as it’s a tasteful amount of tummy being bared.

Describe your ideal weekend hideaway.
Åh! A beach house somewhere on the North shore of Oahu best next to a secret surf break with easy, rolling waves ideal for beginners.

What do you remember about your first crush?
Hmm… I think it was Brian in the first grade. I actually wrote “I love Brian” on a piece of paper and left it in my room, only to have my mother find it, who then told my dad, but they couldn’t read my writing, so they thought I’d written “I love Brandon” instead.

For the rest of that year and for years after, they made fun of me, but they’d say, “Oooh, Karen loves Brandon.”

I think they thought they were being cute and funny, but I did not.

Would you rather wear a scarf or a tiara?
Gimme that tiara! and please incorporate some extra bling while you’re at it.

Nå er det din tur. just copy and paste the following questions into a comment with your answers. I look forward to reading ’em!

1. have you ever had customized stationary?
2. One year with a bad mullet, or a Ron burgundy mustache?
3. When was the last time you flew in a helicopter?
4. Can you do a headstand or a handstand?
5. have you ever applied your makeup in secret?
6. What’s a song you listen to when you want to “psych yourself up”?
7. Belly-baring outfits: yea or nay?
8. describe your ideal weekend hideaway.
9. What do you remember about your first crush?
10. would you rather wear a scarf or a tiara?

Din vennlige nabolag sjarmavhengig,
