To måter å vinne et $ 50 Egift-kort fra Sephora!

WINNER: The giveaway is closed now, and the winner is Sarah! Congratulations, Sarah! Hvis du skrev inn, men ikke vunnet denne gangen, fortsett å prøve å prøve, og klikk her for å skrive inn noen pågående giveaways før du jet.

They’re what I like to call “brain cheese.”

Ya know, brainless B-movies that border on unwatchable, but you end up viewing them anyway because you’re not in the mood to think.


I had some brain cheese the other night in the form of SyFy’s Rise: Blood walker (starring Lucy Liu!). It’s the typical “You turned me into a [INSERT PRETERNATURAL creature HERE], and now I want my revenge!” flick.

Like a lifetime movie…except with vampires.

Anywho, during one of the commercial breaks, I saw a promotion for the new season of face Off, SyFy’s special effects makeup reality show.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

I didn’t view the show last season, but I heard it was good. If you saw it, what did you think? Is it worth using my telekinesis, like in Chronicle, which I saw last night (OMG!), to program the DVR with my mind??

Oh, yes, CHRONICLE! brain cheese need not apply, not unless we’re talking about Caciocavallo Podolico, which’ll set you back about $650/pound. I thought it was smart, thought provoking, thrilling, different and really well filmed (LOVE the flying scenes). one of my favorite sci-fi films in years.

It’s a superhero/villain origin story of sorts about three high school friends who, through mysterious means, acquire the ability to manipulate objects in their environment with their minds. Telekinesis.

Okay, now, maybe from that description…it doesn’t sound very smart or different, but that’s just the dressing. What happens before and after that is the yummy salad.

I was concerned about the cinematography before going in because I’d read that it was filmed in a style called “found footage,” like The Blair Witch project and Cloverfield, where the characters are supposedly filming themselves with home video cameras, but while the camerawork in those two films seemed a little gimmicky and clumsy to me, I thought it blended beautifully into the story in Chronicle.


Speaking of beauty, don’t we typically have a giveaway on Saturdays? Of course we do. So let’s get on with it then.

Ett (1) Sephora Egift-kort, inkludert $ 50 sendt til vinneren via e-post (internasjonale lesere, kan du velge å motta $ 50 sendt av PayPal i stedet).

Det er to måter å komme inn på, og du kan gjøre dem begge for to sjanser til å vinne. First, you can enter by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post, a comment about anything at all, like, who’s your favorite character from a sci-fi book, TV or movie? have you ever auditioned for a play or film? If you had a superpower, would you tell anyone? Do you wear makeup when you go to the movies? Capes on costumes: cute or tacky? will you be my valentine? – Du får ideen.

For det andre kan du angi ved å følge meg på Twitter @karenmbb og retweeting (RT) følgende melding:

Følg @karenmbb og RT for å vinne et $ 50 Egift-kort fra Sephora!

The deadline to enter is Sunday, February 5, 2012 at 11:59PM (PT).

Deltakere bør angi å bruke en gyldig e-postadresse og / eller Twitter-konto for å vinne.

Maksimalt to (2) oppføringer per person – en i kommentarene nederst i dette innlegget, og en annen oppføring gjennom Twitter behandlet til meg @karenmbb.

Contest er åpen for enkeltpersoner i et hvilket som helst land som har nådd flertallet i henhold til deres lokale lover (18 i USA med disse unntakene: Alabama og Nebraska, 19; Mississippi, 21).

Sephora Egift-sertifikater kan kun innløses online og er ikke gyldige i butikkene eller tilgjengelige for kjøp eller innløsning i Canada. Internasjonale vinnere kan velge å erstatte Sephora Egift-kortprisen for $ 50 sendt direkte til e-postadressen din av PayPal i stedet.

Tabs and I (heretofore referred to as “T-Money and K-Dawg”) will select one (1) winner at random from the entries either left in the comments at the bottom of this blog post or dealt with to @karenmbb on Twitter.

Vinneren vil bli annonsert her innen 48 timer etter fristen.

Ugyldig hvor det er forbudt ved lov.

Din vennlige nabolag sjarmavhengig,


WINNER: The giveaway is closed now, and the winner is Sarah! Congratulations, Sarah! Hvis du skrev inn, men ikke vunnet denne gangen, fortsett å prøve å prøve, og klikk her for å skrive inn noen pågående giveaways før du jet.