Rouge Bunny Rouge Masters of Texture: A Cosmetics Collection Befitting an Old world Fairy tale

wearing Rouge Bunny Rouge Raw garden Eyeshadow palette in 086 Antigo, loves Lights Highlighting Powder in 066 Goddess, Alchemy long lasting Brow liner in 088 Antimony and dazzling Siip tinted Luxe Balm in 091 Pinch of Nude
Ever encounter a cosmetic brand that’s so fabulous, so excitingly enshrouded in mystery that it almost feels magical to get your hands on a few products? For me, Rouge Bunny Rouge has always been that brand.

Perhaps it’s the whimsical product names, the slight difficulty in procuring their products (I’m not certain there are counters stateside, for instance) and the dreamy colors. I almost always feel like birds should be sweeping the kitchen and braiding my hair while I apply Rouge Bunny Rouge cosmetics.


“Rouge Bunny Rouge is quintessentially British — a vision of intellectual beauty, a uniquely Neo-Victorian style … [the brand is] also renowned for its wonderful world of storytelling. elements of magic, whimsy and mystery are playfully reflected in the names of [the] products.” — Rouge Bunny Rouge

Very early on in my blogging days at getting Cheeky (and you can tell just how early on by the photography), I managed to get my hands on the stunning shadow in Abyssinian Catbird, and the love affair began. So it was with the excitement of a love-struck fairy-tale heroine that I started playing with the Rouge Bunny Rouge Masters of texture makeup Collection.

Please allow for a brief pause while this makeup and classic literature lover swoons…

Rouge Bunny Rouge Masters of texture Collection, straight out of the pages of a fairy tale!
I can think of no more exquisitely packaged powders than those offered by Rouge Bunny Rouge. Housed in substantial and sleek black external packaging reminiscent of Victorian hat boxes, removal of the lid reveals a weighty black compact and sweet “RBR” monogrammed powder puff.


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

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Rouge Bunny Rouge’s loves Lights Highlighting Powder ($48) is not your average trend-driven illuminator. Finely milled to the point of feeling like a cloud, these beauties create a diaphanous, rather than overt, glow.

The brand describes the formulation of the powder as being composed of “spherical powders” which “produce an unusual perfecting powder with smoothing properties.” While it pained me to swatch away the ephemeral dandelion pattern on the surface of the powder, the result was well worth the temporary torture. I could verily paint myself from head to toe in 066 Goddess (an opalescent pale pink), and 067 sweet to Touch (a gold spiked amber) pairs well with blushes of a plum hue on my complexion.

As for the Raw garden shadow palette ($55) in 086 Antigo, it’s a work of art. I’ve tried many matte shadows in my time as a beauty lover, and while I have my favorites, it’s not typically that I’m this impressed… To be honest, I don’t even remember the last time I audibly said “oooh!” while swatching, but Antigo accomplished just that.

Comprised of a faintly luminous golden pearl, a pink toned mink, rich deep brown and neutral coffee, this palette is as foolproof in terms of creating looks as it is indispensable. I am fully enamored of the texture and highly recommend this particular piece in the collection. Are you a neutral shadow lover? then run, don’t walk.

Rouge Bunny Rouge Masters of texture Powders (Left to Right): loves Lights Highlighting Powder in 066 Goddess, Raw garden Eyeshadow palette in 086 Antigo and loves Lights Highlighting Powder in 067 sweet to Touch
Rouge Bunny Rouge loves Lights Highlighting Powder in 066 Goddess
Rouge Bunny Rouge loves Lights Highlighting Powder in 067 sweet to Touch
Rouge Bunny Rouge Raw garden Eyeshadow palette in 086 Antigo
Rouge Bunny Rouge Masters of texture Powders (Left to Right): loves Lights Highlighting Powder 066 Goddess, 067 sweet to Touch, Raw garden Eyeshadow palette in 086 Antigo

Available in two shades, Rouge Bunny Rouge’s Alchemy Long-Lasting Brow Liners in 088 Antimony and 089 Troma don’t offer an immense variety of shades (blondes, red heads and raven-haired beauties will struggle to find a perfect match), but they do offer the opportunity to choose between warm and cool-toned brown. Pencils of this style with such a fine point of product are optimal for creating natural brow strokes, creating a “my brows but better” effect. I’ve been favoring 088 Antimony to pick up on the deeper hues in my auburn hair (as shown in the FOTD shots in this post).

Another long-time and much-beloved star of the Rouge Bunny Rouge line are their lip products. The dazzling Sip tinted Luxe Balms ($31) are another dreamy throwback to my early days as a beauty blogger in 2011 and 2012, when Rouge Bunny Rouge had burst forth on the scene and their lipsticks were wildly buzzed about. available in three shades, 091 Pinch of Nude, 092 SipAv rosa og 093 flekker av cerise, føler disse pillowy balsamene noe som minner om polhioned marshmallows på leppene. En formel som denne er sjelden, og disse balmene er utrolig komfortable for en skjønnhetsklær med slike følsomme lepper.

Rouge Bunny Rouge Alchemy Langvarig Brow Liner i 088 Antimon og 089 Troma
Rouge Bunny Rouge Dazzling Sip Tinted Luxe Bals i 093 Specks of Cerise, 091 Pinch Nude og 092 Sip of Pink
Rouge Bunny Rouge Masters of Texture Brows og Lips (venstre til høyre): Alchemy Long Anding Brow Liner i 089 Troma, 088 Antimon, Dazzling Sip Tinted Luxe Balms i 091 Klem av Nude, 092 Sip Of Pink og 093 Specks of Cerise
Akk, selv om det er et smidge for mørkt for min utrolig rettferdige hudfarge, er jeg utrolig imponert over konsistensen av huden Soul Drops Foundation Essence ($ 63). Likevel både i emballasje og konsistens til Giorgio Armanis Maestro Foundation, en oljebasert formel som i stor grad fordamper på huden for å etterlate rent pigment, bare, Rouge Bunny Rouge er blandinger som en drøm og føles utrolig komfortabel og er, tør jeg si, umerkelig når det brukes. Tilgjengelig i bare tre nyanser, er det ment å være litt av en kameleon og passe et bredt utvalg av hudfarge.

I swatchen nedenfor lagde jeg en tykk dråpe av fundamentet til venstre for armen min og ble gradvis blandet i en gradientmote som beveger seg mot høyre. Det er verdt å merke seg at jeg blandet med fingrene mine, og jeg finner at dette er den beste metoden for grunnlaget for denne stilen; En tett kabuki-stil eller kuppelbørste ville imidlertid også gjøre trikset.

Til tross for fargematchen, hadde jeg dette grunnlaget for en dag (mye til familiens bekymring) rundt huset for å teste lang levetid. Selv om jeg har tørr hud og ikke kan snakke med måten Skin Soul Drops Foundation Essence ville utføre på fet eller kombinasjonshud, var det meg en full 10 timer uten å kreve pulver eller blotting.

Rouge Bunny Rouge Skin Soul Drops Foundation Essence i 063 Lalla
Rouge Bunny Rouge Skin Soul Drops Foundation Essence i 063 Lalla Applicator (Dropper Style)
Rouge Bunny Rouge Skin Soul Drops Foundation Essence i 063 Lalla
Naturligvis, gitt min tilbøyelighet til å bli forelsket i enhver sminke som er litterær og lunefull i naturen, måtte jeg ta alle disse produktene for et spinn. Som fabelaktig i kvalitet som Rouge Bunny Rouge rykte ville foreslå, hver og en føles drømmende og utsøkt.


Jeg har utviklet et spesielt mykt sted for kjærlighetens lyshøytslett i 066 gudinne. Som gløden det skaper er ikke så åpen som andre populære highlighters, finner jeg at det forblir hos meg bedre gjennom dagen. Og hvem kunne motstå den flørtende gløden av den blendende SIP-tonet Luxe Balm i 092 Sip of Pink? Absolutt ikke denne jenta.

Iført rouge bunny rouge rå hage øyeskygge palett i 086 antigo, elsker lys fremhever pulver i 066 gudinne, alchemy langvarig brow liner i 088 Antimon og blendende Sip Tinted Luxe Balm i 092 Sip of Pink
Iført rouge bunny rouge rå hage øyeskygge palett i 086 antigo, elsker lys fremhever pulver i 066 gudinne, alchemy langvarig brow liner i 088 antimon og blendende siip tonet luxe balsam i 093 flekk av cerise
Det er vanskelig å kondensere mine tanker om denne omfattende samlingen til bare noen få ord, og jeg knapt selv riper overflaten! Mystisk og høy kvalitet, Rouge Bunny Rouge er virkelig en enigma innpakket i en myte, og jeg elsker hvert minutt av det.

Fellow Niche Beauty Lovers, har du prøvd Rouge Bunny Rouge? Hva er dine favorittprodukter? Hva annet skal jeg prøve?