Makeup og klageblogg Monday Poll, vol. 558

When your hair is crazy and you just roll with it.

Så … Hva er mandagsundersøkelsen?

Utmerket spørsmål! Det er i motsetning til navnet sitt, en faktisk meningsmåling, som med små clicky-knapper. Det er bare en liste over fem mange flere eller mindre tilfeldige spørsmål jeg har lagt inn på denne bloggen hver mandag morgen for de siste quadrillion årene (siden 2007). Jeg elsker å lese svarene dine, og det hjelper meg med å få min uke til en god start. ?

1. hot pink eyeshadow or bright blue lipstick?

Hot pink eyeshadow.

2. High or low maintenance?

GUUUURL, high maintenance all the way. I cannot deny it!


3. have you ever prank-called anyone?

Heck, yeah! Honestly, mine were all incredibly dumb though. They’d normally involve me calling up a kid I liked, then hanging up as soon as someone answered, “Hello.” Ha ha ha! I think it was a ideal of passage if you grew up in the ’80s and ’90s.

4. sequins or leather?

Although leather would be much a lot more practical, I’m gonna have to opt for sequins…because sparkle.

5. What’s your theme for this week?

Omfavn forandring! and eat your veggies. LOL!


Katter og sminke Sweatshirt ??

$ 42.

Handle nå

BONUS QUESTION: What’s your power song for the week?

…Ready For It?, by Taylor Swift.

Back at it

Morgen. ? If you’re just getting back to your desk after a long holiday absence, then welcome, friend! just remember: It won’t feel this miserable for long, LOL! It’s like the first 10 minutes of a workout. Your knees feel crunchy, and your feet might as well be concrete bricks, and even though every cell in your body is screaming at you to stop the friggin’ jumping jacks, sit back down on the couch, and fire up another episode of Victoria, if you make it through those first 10 minutes of misery…everything will be OK. EGENTLIG! just keep smiling, and depend on in the healing power of coffee.

You have a good one today, ‘K? Talk soon.

Din vennlige nabolag appellavhengige,



P.S. spørsmålstid! Her skal de kopiere / lime inn dine svar i en kommentar. Snakkes.

1. hot pink eyeshadow or bright blue lipstick?
2. High or low maintenance?
3. have you ever prank-called anyone?
4. sequins or leather?
5. What’s your theme for the week?
BONUS QUESTION: What’s your power song for the week?